
نتائج البحث

الأربعاء، 21 مارس 2012

The handy geography answer book

كتاب جغرافي رائع وشامل ، وبلغة انجليزية سهلة ، يستعرض موضوعات جغرافية في صورة سؤال وجواب .
Ask & answer... سؤال وجواب
1- Defining the World .
2- Maps.
3- The Physical Environment.
4- Water & Ice.
5- Climate.
6- Hazards & Disasters .
7- Transportation & Urban Geography.
8- Political Geography.
9- Cultural Geography .
10- Time , Calenders , and Seasons.
11- Exploration .
12- United States of America.
13- North and Central America.
14- South America.
15- Western Europe.
16- Russia and Eastern Europe.
17- Asia.
18- Middle East.
19- Africa.
20- Oceania and Antarctica.
21- Countries of the World.
22- Maps of the World .

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